Japanese Language Course in Dhaka

Japanese Language in Dhaka


Japanese N3 Level Course
Students will be able to read and understand written materials with specific contents concerning everyday topics. One is also able to grasp summary information such as newspaper headlines. Students will need to know about 650 kanji.

Japanese N4 Level Course
Students will be able to read and understand passages on familiar daily topics written in basic vocabulary and kanji. Students will need to know about 300 kanji.

Japanese N5 Level Course
Students will be able to read and understand typical expressions and sentences written in hiragana ,katakana , and basic kanji.Students will need to know about 100 kanji.

Note: N5 is the Beginner Level Course

Japanese N5 Class 1 - Synergies Company

--------------N5 COURSE OUTLINE---------

Topics & Vocabulary:
• Introduce yourself with greetings in Japanese
• Exchanging business card in Japanese
• Asking about of services in stores
• Shopping
• Describing about the whereabouts of things and people
• Transportation
• Time and numbers – telling and asking the time, counting cardinal numbers
• Everyday objects
• Places – shops, important buildings
• Daily life – routines, free time
• Job
• Home
• Culture
• Existence of People and Things
• Ordinal numbers
• Invitations
• Talking about plans
• Making a request
• Holidays
• Hotels & restaurants
• Exchanging
• Town & country

Grammar I:
• Basic Japanese grammar rules – particles : か (ka), は (wa), の (no), と (to), を (o),に (ni),も(mo), が (ga), や (ya) .
• Present, Past, Future
• Pronouns – subject, object, possessive
• Singular vs. Plural
• Word order – sentence, question, negative
• Question formation
• Modal verbs

Grammar II:
• Understand Japanese aspect and use ‘give’ and ‘receive’ verbs
• Making Suggestion -including acceptance and refusal
• Use general action verbs to describe habits
• Use verbs with negative, past and past negative sentences
• Basic Japanese grammar rules – particles を (o), と (to), に (ni), で (de), も (mo).
• Adjectives : past negative , negative past using both -い (-i) and な (na) adjectives.
• Numbers and Counters rules

Cultural Content:
• Three writing systems in Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji)
• How to bow
• Japanese currency
• Shops in Japan
• Transportation
• Excursions to Japanese spas (温泉onsen)

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