Italian Language Course in Dhaka


Students in this course will interact with vocabulary and language structures related to introductory level texts, themes and topics. They will develop grammatical concepts with a focus on language in use, sociolinguistic knowledge integral to the range of situations and tasks covered and a range of text types appropriate to students’ language proficiency level. Students will also explore aspects of contemporary Italian culture and society.

Italian A1
( Textbook+Workbook+Audio)

Tk. 2,900

The Book is composed of triple language material (ITALIAN- ENGLISH - BANGLA) for beginner learners of Italian as a foreign language, and is designed for language learners both in and outside of Italy.

- Language skills can be practiced with a good dose of humor and without needless repetition, all in order to suit students with good study habits.

- The book contains audio and Online Access for practice materials.



Italian Online Class

Online Class

Italian Language Course in Dhaka.


There is a general outcome for the level as a whole, and more specific learning outcomes for each unit. These outcomes are expressed in terms of what you should be able to do in Italian by the time you reach the end of each unit; various grammar points are covered as they are appropriate to the themes of the units. 

(Please note that the information which follows is subject to change, since we make ongoing revisions to our course material in the light of client feedback, and we may also adjust it to suit the needs of particular classes.)


Grammar I:
• Personal subject pronouns
• Definite and indefinite articles
• Nouns
• Adjectives
• Present tense of regular verbs
• Interrogatives
• Food and beverage
• Reflexive verbs
• Adverbs of frequency

Grammar II:
• The verbs sapere and potere
• More about the verb piacere
• Prepositions in and a
• Regular and irregular past participles
• The Present Perfect
• The adverb fa
• More interrogatives
• The agreement noun/adjective (plural)
• Direct object pronouns
• The particle ne
• The partitive articles

Topics & Vocabulary:
• Saying hello and goodbye
• Introducing yourself
• Nationality
• Address and telephone number
• Asking and saying how one is
• Asking and giving personal details about one’s job and the languages one speaks
• Apologising
• Ordering food and drink at a bar and paying
• Reading a simple menu
• Spelling one’s name
• Talking about one’s preferences
• Asking and telling the time
• Talking about one’s everyday routine
• Referring events in a chronological order
• Expressing frequency
• Expressing likes and dislikes
• The Italian alphabet
• Numbers 1-100
• Days of the week

Cultural Content:
• Titles of study in Italian business cards
• Greetings and gestures
• The “coffee culture” in Italy
• The world of work in Italy (male/female jobs)
• Meals as a family ritual

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