Quranic Arabic Language Course in Dhaka

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Course Description

This course targets students who have been exposed to Arabic through Qua'ranic or related teachings, or have studies in any institute but who have limited understanding of the function and structure of the language. The course adopts a step-by-step approach to learning the sound system, the alphabet, and the various grammatical structures in a formal way to develop their reading and writing skills. The course aims at developing students’ listening and speaking skills within various contexts. The learning process will be through Qua'ranic words, phrases and texts, and includes 'suras' as well as the tutor's supplementary materials. Audio and visual aids will be used to enhance the students' skills.

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Course materials

Course Text Books:

  1. Madinah Arabic Book 1
    ISBN 81-7898-466-0

  2. The Key to Arabic
    ISBN 0-9547509-1-8

Supplementary material

  1. www.madinaharabic.com

  2. http://quranicarabic.wordpress.com

  3. Tutor’s own dialogues


Madinah Arabic Course Outline

Introduction to Arabic

  • · Introduction to the sound system of Arabic and pronunciation drills of the peculiar
    sounds to Arabic;

  • · Recognition of Arabic Letters in their isolate form;

  • · Formulation of letters in their written isolate form;

  • · The Vowel systems and its relation to writing: short and long vowels;

  • · Letters formulation in their joined form;

  • · Al-sukun;

  • · Al-tashdid (emphasis) and its relation to writing;

  • · The sun and moon letters;

  • · Al-alif al-maqsura (shortened alif);

  • · Al-hamza (the glottal stop).

Exploring Grammar

  • · Gender of nouns and agreement of adjectives;

  • · Asking and answering simple questions;

  • · Use of the definite article;

  • · Some prepositions and conjunctions;

  • · Use of singular personal and attached pronouns;

  • · The dual forms of nouns and adjectives;

  • · Sound and broken plural nouns and adjectives;

  • · Singular, dual and plural demonstrative pronouns;

  • · Numbers from 1-10 and associated rules;

  • · Simple dialogues;

  • · A broad vocabulary grouped according to subject

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