French Language Course in Dhaka

French Language Course in Dhaka


Following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, we offer all levels (from A1 to B2) of French group courses and conversation classes.

We work in small groups (10-12 people max). It is not a traditional class setting like in Alliance Française or Dhaka University, you will work in duos or trios to practice real-life situations and get the most out of your time. Our courses are being given by Bilingual French Professional, where possible in French, from the beginners’ courses onward. This approach enables students to learn the language as quickly and efficiently as possible.

French A1 Language Book
with English and Bangla
Textbook + Workbook + Audio MP3


Trilingual Explanations: Each word is provided with an English explanation, Bengali meaning, and accurate Bengali pronunciation.

Audio Support: High-quality audio files available on our website for practicing correct pronunciation.

Textbook and Workbook: A comprehensive package combining theoretical knowledge and practical exercises.

Simple and Effective Methodology: Easy-to-follow and effective learning techniques designed for new learners.


ত্রিভাষিক ব্যাখ্যা: প্রতিটি শব্দের ইংরেজি ব্যাখ্যা, বাংলা অর্থ এবং সঠিক বাংলা উচ্চারণ।

অডিও সহায়তা: সঠিক উচ্চারণ অনুশীলনের জন্য আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে উপলব্ধ উচ্চমানের অডিও ফাইল।

পাঠ্যপুস্তক ও ওয়ার্কবুক: তাত্ত্বিক জ্ঞান এবং ব্যবহারিক অনুশীলনের জন্য সম্পূর্ণ সমন্বিত প্যাকেজ।

সহজ ও কার্যকর পদ্ধতি: নতুন শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য সহজবোধ্য এবং কার্যকর শেখার পদ্ধতি।

French Language Course in Dhaka

The aims of
are to be able to:

  • Recognize and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purposes.

  • Introduce yourself or someone else.

  • Ask and answer basic questions about home, family, surroundings, etc.

  • Communicate in a basic way when the other person speaks slowly and clearly, and is ready to repeat or reformulate to help communication.

French Online Batch

French A1 Physical CLass

Course Outline

Grammar I :
• Nouns – feminine, masculine, singular, plural
• The verbs ‘être’, ‘avoir’ in the present tense
• Articles – definite and indefinite
• Adjective agreement in gender and number
• Verbs in ‘ER’
• Etre and Avoir
• Prepositions of place
• Il y a + Il n’y a pas

Grammar II :
• Word order: sentence/question
• Key prepositions – à, dans, en, au, etc.
• Yes/no questions
• The immediate past: ‘venir de’
• Negative sentences
• Key verbs: faire, aller, sortir, etc.
• Demonstrative pronouns
• Frequency adverbs
• Reflexive verbs in ‘ER’
• Question words (quel)

Cultural Content:
• French speaking celebrities
• French daily routine
• French brands and products
• Bruxelles

Topics & Vocabulary Covered:
• Greetings
• Alphabet + letters combination
• Nationalities and countries
• Jobs
• Numbers
• Giving personal details (address, telephone number, email, age)
• Filling a form
• Food and drinks
• Holidays in France and abroad
• Describing a city (jobs and places)
• Using a dictionary
• Talking about family, friends and celebrities
• Talking about oneself – key personal information + likes/dislikes
• Talking about hobbies
• Daily life – routines, habits, free time
• Days of the week
• Animals
• Telling the time
• Consumer goods – clothes, accessories, food
• Describing objects – shape, colour, size
• Talking about the weather
• Shopping

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