
Shield Language Courses will introduce you to the most important languages through small group classes with highly trained linguist.  Keep up the momentum by progressing through the levels and mastering these increasingly important global languages which is highly sought after in by universities and employers in a wide range of industries.


Frequently Confused Questions ?

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Am I really a beginner?

Lots of our students feel they are a complete beginner even though they may have studied the language previously, either at school or on another course. It’s important to understand that our course levels are divided into beginner and then followed by intermediate and so on. If you have studied the language before, even just a little, it may be more appropriate for you to join the intermediate level. All of our beginners language courses are designed for people with zero language knowledge.

What are my expectations of a language class?

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Language teaching and learning has developed at a very fast rate over recent years and there are lots of new and engaging techniques that teachers now employ to ensure our students get the most out of the lessons. All of our beginners language courses are immersive; this means that the teacher will only use the language that is being taught. Of course, there will be times that the teacher will translate a word or explain a grammar point in English, however, the majority of the lesson will be conducted in the language that is being taught. It is also important to note that the majority of the course books we use are written only in the language that is being taught. Once you are familiar with certain vocabulary and instructions that are repeated throughout the course book you will find that this poses no obstacle to using your course book at home for self-study, and further helps you immerse yourself in the language.

It is important to realize that you will not understand everything that the teacher says. The teacher will use visuals, gestures, examples and demonstrations to communicate – and it’s important to remember that guessing meaning from context is a useful skill and one that is used by language learners in real life throughout their language learning journey. If you do feel lost or overwhelmed then tell your teacher – he or she will be more than happy to explain things to you to make sure you understand.

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How long will it take me to learn a language?

Everyone learns and progresses at different rates, and learning a language is no different. There is no quick fix where you become fluent from one day to the next – however, if you attend all your classes, do your homework every week, and make a conscious effort to practise a little everyday, you will be surprised by the progress that you make.